Friday, November 16, 2012

A few more additions.

My spoiler is now complete and mounted in place, just awaiting for the "Lancia Martini"decals to be finished for it. I have painted it back to satin black as it definitely looks better. Also my hoses are now finished and on the car, and the engine bay is looking alot tidier. The whole car runs alot better now, but i definitely need to finish my brake conversion :)

Heres a couple of pics.

Friday, November 9, 2012

We get closer each day.

Been busy again (little bit) - Peter from Pirtek (Legend) came over last night to crimp up my special new oil cooler hoses. I had adjusted the placement of my cooler for a bit more cooling and to get the oil cooler hoses sitting on a nicer angle. I also relocated the oil filter housing to make the positioning a bit better also. Peter gave me some special tail fittings which i drilled out and put all the steel bends into, then mig welded them together, then using 500psi he crimped them with his hydraulic press. Time to fit those up to the car tonight. I opted for these over the braided lines as the fittings for the Lancia are metric fine, which are virtually impossible to find, and all the braided lines use -AN fittings.

Next on the agenda was the fact that i've always wanted an Integrale rear spoiler, so i made one. My car already had a black finisher on the roof which i didn't like that much, so i fabricated up some steel mounts as per a nice picture from the maranello house website ( and i mounted everything up to try and make it look the part. I'm going to sand the spoiler back this arvo and paint it matte black before having "Lancia Martini"signwritten on the top, and ""signwritten on the bottom.

And lastly, i found an Evo Integrale has just popped up on trademe for 40K !! i reckon my car is a whole lot better value for money, but then im biased.

Check it out ... Mine: -

His: -